Newsticker: Der Urheber fordert eine sofortigen Stop jeglicher Spionagetätigkeiten oder Cyberattacken gegen seine Person.



I am Markus - The Author.

It is „essentially“ about all of this known Music,

known Film Titles and other things, which are

well known and used until today around the world.

And I won’t say a single title about it.

When I was 10 years old, I counted to myself these

Music Hits, and at about 130, I stopped doing this,

and I told myself, never to think about this anymore,

at all. Probably no one could stand this out!

In many cases I actually did not even wanted to do it like this.

It is like an undescribable martyrium, with actually having no life at all.

Why was this always „on screen“ or „on air“ , and who is it ?

Does there exist a secret group since about 1980,

which could be named like NSACIABND & Co. KG or 

International Underground Spy Group (IUSG) , or so ?

I just would please all these famous artists, who had made a wonderful,

grandiose, and perfect job, and who may still be under us,

to have this brave, to tell about it, even if it seems to be too far to late,

but it never is. You are not alone, you are among all the other „Super-Stars“ ,

who may had trusted others, without knowing about the real process, and I am

not only talking about music composings, it is also about the artist names or

artist makings, with these ignition songs.

In film it was in many cases, actually just the title, which was in many

cases a kind of reflection of the current situation, or also the „big-shots“ ,

which could have build up the structure of the film,

but quite surely until 2008 it never was the production itself,

and it was not the action around the film title,

which I always could have wondered of.

No crisis, no pandemie, no international conflict, or other inscenations, and no such events,

which could have spread fear or could have had played with human emotions

in an incredible way, brought to mankind i.e. through broadcasting media,

can retard the truth to come out and make this planet less- or  unsafely.

The unimaginable attacs on my person from outside, or outside in space,

with kind of electromagnetic rays, or sound vibrating impulses,

or rays, which use the attacked brain with like of resonance,

the pain in my brain, because of this, or something, which is like

an to extreme charge of electrostatic capacity in the brain since 2008,  the rush, 

just to name these things, and the resulting unknown „world of profit circus“ , because

of this kind of intimate espionage, are at least the reason to talk about this, like this.

And I will do everything in order to defend my life and my health.

With all the best wishes for a safely planet,

Markus - The Author.

The Author - Markus, since 01/31/2020.